Can You Hear Me Now?: Two Lectures on Social Media and Political Activism

Series venues:
Old Library, All Souls College

Ana Marie Cox has spent over a decade covering politics and campaigns, in addition to frequent forays into popular culture. She is currently the senior political columnist for The Guardian US, and is a Resident Fellow this term at the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics. She has written about Washington and American politics for a variety of outlets, including Playboy, GQ, Time, the New York Times and the Washington Post. She also served as the founding editor of the blog Wonkette as well as the founding editor of Time's political blog, Swampland. Cox is also a
regular guest commentator on MSNBC and NPR, and is the author of the satirical novel Dog Days. She lives in Minneapolis-St Paul, Minnesota and holds a degree in history from the University of Chicago.

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