Visiting Fellows 2025-2026

The College is pleased to announce that the following have accepted offers of Visiting Fellowships for the 2025 – 2026 academic year:

Professor Elise Bant: Law, The University of Western Australia (Michaelmas Term)

Mr Christopher de Bellaigue: History, Author and Journalist (Trinity Term)

Professor Pablo Gilabert: Philosophy, Concordia University (Michaelmas Term)

Dr Joseph Hone: Language and Literature, Newcastle University (Michaelmas Term)

Professor Tatjana Hörnle: Law, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law (Michaelmas Term)

Professor Maria Lasonen-Aarnio: Philosophy, University of Helsinki (Michaelmas, Hilary and Trinity Terms)

Professor Dennis Lehmkuhl: History, University of Bonn (Michaelmas, Hilary and Trinity Terms)

Professor Michael Lucey: Language and Literature, UC Berkeley (Hilary and Trinity Terms)

Dr Kerry McCarthy: Musicology, Independent Scholar (Hilary Term)

Professor Jennifer McElwain: Physical Science, Trinity College Dublin (Michaelmas Term)

Professor Alex Murray: Language and Literature, Queen's University Belfast (Michaelmas Term)

Professor Dame Anne Marie Rafferty: History, King's College London (Trinity Term)

Dr Amber Riaz: Philosophy, Lahore University of Management Sciences (Michaelmas, Hilary and Trinity Terms)

A/Prof Celeste Rodriguez Louro: Linguistics, The University of Western Australia (Hilary Term)

Dr Alan Ross: Classical Studies, The Ohio State University (Trinity Term)

Professor Dinesha Samararatne: Law, University of Colombo (Trinity Term)

Professor Gwen Seabourne: Law, University of Bristol (Hilary Term)

Dr Michal Smetana: Politics and International Relations, Charles University (Trinity Term)

Professor Anna Sun: Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Duke University (Trinity Term)

Dr Graham Turnock: International Relations (Hilary Term)

Professor Charles Vial: Mathematics, Bielefield University (Michaelmas Term)

Dr Daniel Yon: Psychology, Birkbeck, University of London (Hilary Term)

4th December 2024