I am a social anthropologist and designer whose work is situated at the intersection of visual, material and economic anthropology, textiles and ethnoecology. I am interested in the relationships that craftspeople have with the environments from which they extract and use resources during commodity production. I identify historical and contemporary links that concern the exploitation of ecosystems, workers and underrepresented communities. I have carried out ethnographic work with Harris Tweed weavers in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland (2015) and received a DPhil in Anthropology from the University of Oxford (2021) with a thesis based on twelve months of apprenticeship-based fieldwork with natural dye craftspeople on the island of Amami Oshima, southern Japan. A monograph based on my doctoral thesis will be published by Duke University Press in 2025 titled Dyeing with the Earth: Textiles, Tradition and Sustainability in Contemporary Japan. My new research explores the intersection of textiles and agriculture in diverse geographies - the UK, USA and India. Using comparative ethnography, I am seeking to understand how small-scale producers of natural fibres and dyestuffs are adapting their practices in the context of challenging environmental, social and economic conditions. I ask whether a grassroots approach to regenerative land stewardship and aspirations to work more ethically and sustainably might trickle up, impacting the wider fashion and textiles industries at scale.
- Departmental Lecturer in Visual, Material and Museum Anthropology (2022-2023)
- Robert & Lisa Sainsbury Fellow. Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures, Norwich (2021)
- DPhil Anthropology, University of Oxford (2016-2021)
- MSc Visual, Material and Museum Anthropology, University of Oxford (2015-2016)
- MA Printed Textiles. Royal College of Art (2007-2009)
- BA Fashion: Print. Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design. University of the Arts London (2003-2007)
- Textile and craft production
- Socio-ecological relations
- Economic anthropology
- Material Culture studies
- Visual, design and apprenticeship methodologies
- Anthropology of Japan
2020: “Making it for our country”: An ethnography of mud-dyeing on Amami Ōshima island. TEXTILE 18:3, 249-276, DOI: 10.1080/14759756.2019.1690837
2022: Re-evaluating a tree’s ‘real worth’: The historical dispossession of ecological stewardship and its legacy for a Japanese textile tradition. History and Anthropology. DOI: 10.1080/02757206.2022.2116017
2022: ‘The Mejiro bird: between commodity, conservation and companion’ in Animals matter: Resistance and transformation in animal commodification. J. Dugnoille & E. Vander Meer (eds.) Leiden: Brill. DOI: 10.1163/9789004528444_005
- Visual, material and museum anthropology
- Anthropology of art and design
- Daiwa Foundation Small Grants (2023)
- Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation Grant (2023)
- John Fell Fund Small Grant (2022-2023)
- Arts & Humanities Research Council PhD grant holder (2016-2020)
- Daiwa Foundation Small Grants (2019)
- Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation Grant (2019)
- British Association of Japanese Studies Event Funding (2019)
- The Japan Society of the UK, Small Grants (2019)
- Wolfson College conference grant (2019)
- Pasold Research Fund PhD Grant (2019)
- John Crump's Studentship. British Association of Japanese Studies (2019)
- Arts & Humanities Research Council Overseas Travel Bursary (2017)
- Estella Canziani Post-Graduate Bursary for Research. The Folklore Society (2017)
- Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation Grant (PhD Travel) (2017)
- Pasold Research Fund MA Grant (2016)
- The Clothworkers’ Company MA Textiles grant (2007-2009)