- University Reader, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Classics (from 2016 to 2018)
- University Lecturer, then Senior University Lecturer, Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge, and Fellow and Director of Studies in Classics at Trinity Hall, Cambridge (from 2006 to 2016)
- Momigliano Fellowship in Arts, University College London, Department of Greek and Latin (from 2004 to 2006)
- Junior Research Fellowship, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (from 2003 to 2004)
- Postgraduate, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (to 2003)
- Undergraduate, Pisa University (to 1999)
- Archaic and Classical Greek Literature
- Transmission and editing of texts
- Papyrology
- Greek religion and cultural history
- Performing Citizenship in Plato’s Laws, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014
- E. Bakola, L. Prauscello and M. Telò (eds.), Greek Comedy and the Discourse of Genres. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press 2013
- Singing Alexandria: Music between Practice and Textual Transmission, Mnemosyne Supplement Series, Leiden and Boston: Brill 2006
- Sappho, fr. 88 Voigt (P.Oxy.2290 + P.Oxy.4411): a re-appraisal’, co-authored with G. Ucciardello, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 195 (2015): 13-29
- ‘Hands and book-rolls in P.Oxy.4411: the first extant papyrus witness for Plato’s Critias (= P.Oxy.4411 frr. 88-90 + 92 + 94-95)’, co-authored with G. Ucciardello, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 191 (2014): 47-58
- ‘Demeter and Dionysos in the sixth-century southern Argolid: Lasus of Hermione, the cult of Demeter Chthonia and the origins of dithyramb’, in B. Kowalzig and P. Wilson (eds.), Song Culture and Social Change: The Contexts of Dithyramb. Oxford 2013: 76-92
- Oxyrhynchus Papyri Management Committee (July 2016-)
- Co-editor of the Cambridge Classical Journal (from 2017)
- Editorial Board of Sapienza Università Editrice, Rome