Evans-Pritchard Lectures 2024: Lecture 3 - “Witches” and the Humanitarian World: NGOs, Churches, and the State

14th May 2024, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Dr Saibu Mutaru (Lecturer in Anthropology, University of Cape Coast, Ghana) is delivering a series of lectures at 5pm in the Old Library at All Souls College entitled:

Naming the Witch, Housing the Witch, and Living with Witchcraft: An Ethnography of Ordinary Lives in Northern Ghana’s “Witch Camps”

This week's lecture will be held on Tuesday, 14 May 2024 on “Witches” and the Humanitarian World: NGOs, Churches, and the State

All are welcome to attend in person or on Microsoft Teams via the ID and password below:

Meeting ID: 318 331 790 674
Passcode: LEecHc

Other events this month

Evans-Pritchard Lectures 2024: Lecture 4 - Living in “Witch Camps”: Experiences of Accused Witches and the Moral Economy of Songsim

21st May 2024, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Dr Saibu Mutaru (Lecturer in Anthropology, University of Cape Coast, Ghana) is delivering a series of lectures at 5pm in the Old Library at All Souls College entitled:

Naming the Witch, Housing the Witch, and Living with Witchcraft: An Ethnography of Ordinary Lives in Northern Ghana’s “Witch Camps”

This week's lecture will be held on Tuesday, 21 May 2024 on Living in “Witch Camps”: Experiences of Accused Witches and the Moral Economy of Songsim

All are welcome to attend in person or on Microsoft Teams via the ID and password below:

Meeting ID: 318 331 790 674
Passcode: LEecHc

Other events this month

Sir Jeremy Lever Lecture 2024

26th April 2024, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

The annual Sir Jeremy Lever Lecture will be held at the Gulbenkian Theatre in the St Cross Building (Law Faculty) at 5pm on 26 April 2024

The Rt Hon Lady Rose, Justice of the Supreme Court, will be speaking on Competition Law in the Supreme Court: The First 15 Years

Chair: Sir Julian Flaux, Chancellor of the High Court

This will be followed by a drinks reception. 

Other events this month

Women & War

22nd March 2024, 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Joined Conference from King’s College London and Oxford University

This conference brings together two dynamic research fields that have recently discovered more common ground: the History of War and Gender History. The conference discusses new understandings and perspectives about women at and in war, and explores the multiple, complex, and sometimes conflicting roles women played in armed conflict: as soldiers, war leaders, humanitarian workers, civilians, perpetrators, victims, and survivors.



09:00 Registration and Welcome

9:15 Session Mobilisation of Women During the World Wars

Chloe Pieters, Oxford, The limits of protection: mobilising the family for war in Belgium and Britain during the First World War

Aimée Fox, KCL, Petticoat Government: Officers’ Wives and the Social Politics of the British Military, 1914–1918

Jonathan Fennell, KCL, The Social Practice of People’s War: Women, Morale and Mobilisation in the Second World War.

11:00 Session Indian Women and WWII

Diya Gupta, City UL, Forging intimate connections between battlefront and home-front: Indian women in the Second World War

Alex Wilson, KCL, “Your father did not slipper you sufficiently, but I will make up for it, never you fear!” Indian Women, Soldiers’ Networks, and the North African Campaign, 1940-43

Urvi Khaitan, Oxford, ‘My Body Costs Five Hundred Rupees’: Women’s Work in War and Famine  

13:30 Session Theories of Gender and Historiography of War

Sarah von Hagen, Göttingen, When Men-of-War become female

Kristine Dyrmann, Oxford, Elite women’s social, political, and diplomatic networks during the Napoleonic wars

Anna Brinkman, KCL, Bluestocking Strategists: Women as strategic thinkers in the 18th and 19th centuries

15:30 Session Experiences of Women in War

Jane Ohlmeyer, Dublin/Oxford, Women, warfare and sexual violence in early modern Ireland

Meryem Kalayci, Oxford, Women’s stories of sexual violence and caregiving in the Armenian Genocide and after

Lucy Noakes, Essex, Making Grief Work: Gendering Emotions in Second World War Britain

17:00 Roundtable on History of War meets Gender History

Christina Goulter (KCL), Karen Hagemann (UNC), Juliette Pattinson (Kent), Cathleen Sarti (Oxford), Peter Wilson (Oxford)


Registration Link: https://forms.office.com/e/Lp40bpvbVQ


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The Green and Digital Revolutions - their impact on economies and politics

8th March 2024, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

The Rt Hon Sir John Redwood will give a lecture on the Green and Digital Revolutions from 11am-1pm in the Old Library of All Souls College. 


The Green revolution is a top down government and large company led revolution which is encountering consumer resistance. It is undermining some governments and major political parties. The digital revolution is a people led change, powering US outperformance as US  Companies hoover up the big and growing digital revenues.  The lecture provides insights into how these huge forces might mould the future of work, politics, leisure and much else. 


All Welcome, please confirm attendance via the link.

Green and Digital Revolutions - Sir John Redwood


Other events this month

Examination Fellowships 2024: Open Evening for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Students

8th May 2024, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Wednesday 8 May (Week 3) at 5pm in the Hall, All Souls College

All Souls holds an exam every autumn for students who have recently graduated from, or are registered for a higher degree at, the University of Oxford. Candidates may choose to sit papers in Classics, Economics, English Literature, History, Law, Philosophy or Politics, and there is also a General component. The Fellowship lasts for seven years. Those elected receive a generous stipend, accommodation and career support, and may either choose to pursue an academic career, or to contribute to wider academic life while pursuing a non-academic career.

The Open Evening is an opportunity for interested Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic students to learn about the Examination Fellowship – to find out more about the exam process, and to meet some members of the College.

All Souls is committed to attracting candidates from all backgrounds, and welcomes enquiries about the Examination Fellowship from anyone.

Further information is available on our website: https://www.asc.ox.ac.uk/examination-fellowships-general-information

Other events this month

Examination Fellowships 2024: Open Evening for Women, non-binary and gender non-conforming candidates

28th February 2024, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Wednesday, 28 February (Week 7) at 5pm in the Hall, All Souls College

All Souls holds an exam every autumn for students who have recently graduated from, or are registered for a higher degree at, the University of Oxford. Candidates may choose to sit papers in Classics, Economics, English Literature, History, Law, Philosophy or Politics, and there is also a General component. The Fellowship lasts for seven years. Those elected receive a generous stipend, accommodation and career support, and may either choose to pursue an academic career, or to contribute to wider academic life while pursuing a non-academic career.

The Open Evening is an opportunity to learn about the Examination Fellowship – to find out more about the exam process, and to meet some members of the College. Women, non-binary, and gender nonconforming students are welcome to attend.

All Souls is committed to attracting candidates from all backgrounds, and welcomes enquiries about the Examination Fellowship from anyone. A Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) Open Evening will also be held on 8th May (Week 3 Trinity Term).

Further information, including eligibility criteria is available on our website:
https://www.asc.ox.ac.uk/examination-fellowships- general-information


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The Lee Lecture in Political Science and Government 2024 | Professor Yuhua Wang

16th May 2024, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

The Lee Lecture in Political Science and Government, by Professor Yuhua Wang

Thursday, 16 May 2024

5- 6.30 pm

All Souls College, Old Library

There will be a wine reception after the lecture.

The event is open to the public, but reservations are required.

Please register here

Lee Lecture 2024


Other events this month

Professor Francesca Orsini

Radhakrishnan Memorial Lecturer, Hilary Term 2024

The Rt. Hon. Lady Rose of Colmworth

Neill Law Lecturer, Hilary Term 2024; Sir Jeremy Lever Lecturer, Trinity Term 2024
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