2024 Annual Public Lecture with Professor Jane Humphries

10th June 2024, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Professor Jane Humphries, London School of Economics, will be conducting the Annual Public Lecture of the Royal Economic Society entitled:


Do economists care? The struggle to value caring work.



While Adam Smith defined economics in terms of wealth creation, for Alfred Marshall it concerned ‘the ordinary business of life’. Ever-present and universal, caring work is very ordinary, but it adds to wellbeing, and enhances productivity. Yet commercialised caring is neglected and undervalued, while unpaid care work is judged ‘beyond the production boundary’, so that although market equivalents suggest its value reaches a whopping 20-60 per cent of GDP, depending on country and attribution methodology, it remains outside National Income Accounts. Economic historians have done no better in recognising unpaid household work, despite its importance in the less-commercialised past. Inspired by researchers who have assigned value to caring and housework in today’s economies, I value the work performed unpaid at key dates in British history. A historical account enhances our understanding of ordinary life but also nuances interpretations of Smithian enrichment.


Booking Details:

The event is free to attend via Zoom, please follow the link to the Eventbrite page for booking.

For further information, please contact: tanya.wilson@glasgow.ac.uk



Annual Public Lecture picture







Other events this month

Examination Fellowship 2024

Applications may now be made to sit the examinations to be held on 25-26 September 2024.
The Fellowships by Examination will be tenable from November 2024.
Further information can be found here.

Closing date: Monday, 12 August 2024, 4pm (UK time).

27th May 2024

Visiting Fellowships 2025-26

Applications may now be made for Visiting Fellowships at All Souls College tenable for one or more terms during the academic year October 2025 to June 2026. Further information may be found here

Closing date: Monday, 2 September 2024, 4pm (UK time)


20th May 2024

Appointment of Chaplain

The College is pleased to announce that the Revd Canon Rachel Carnegie will become Chaplain of All Souls College from October, in succession to the Very Revd John Drury, who has served as Chaplain since 2003.

20th May 2024

Katherine Rundell named Author of the Year

Katherine Rundell, former Fellow of All Souls, has been named Author of the Year at the British Book Awards.
She also won Book of the Year in Children's Fiction for her latest book, Impossible Creatures.


14th May 2024

Fight, Flight, Mimic: Identity Mimicry in Conflict (Book Launch)

4th June 2024, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Fight, Flight, Mimic (academic.oup.com/book/56358) is the first systematic study of deceptive mimicry in the context of wars. Deceptive mimicry — the manipulation of individual or group identity—includes passing off as a different individual, as a member of a group to which one does not belong, or, for a group, to ‘sign’ its action as another group. Mimicry exploits the reputation of the model it mimics to avoid capture (flight), to strike undetected at the enemy (fight), or to hide behind or besmirch the reputation of the model group (‘false-flag’ operations). These tactics have previously been described anecdotally, mixed in with other ruses de guerre, but we show that mimicry is a distinct form of deception with its own logic and particularly consequential effects on those involved. The book offers a theory and game-theoretic model of mimicry, an overview of its use through history, and a deep empirical exploration of its modern manifestations through several case studies by leading social scientists. The chapters cover mimicry in the context of the Northern Ireland conflict, terrorism campaigns in 1970s Italy, the height of the Iraq insurgency, the Rwandan genocide, the Naxalite rebellion in India, and jihadi discussion forums on the Internet.


Old Library, All Souls College from 5pm-7pm

All welcome to attend, no booking necessary.


Other events this month

Planning application submitted for High Street Project

All Souls College has submitted a planning and listed building consent application to Oxford City Council for its proposed redevelopment of 10-15 High Street, Oxford.

This project offers an important opportunity to provide much needed teaching and research space for the College, renew these buildings sensitively and to invest in the retail premises for the High Street.  Further information can be found on the project webpage.

29th April 2024

French Graduate Seminars - Trinity Term 2024

French Graduate Seminars taking place on Weeks 2,4 & 6, Tuesdays at 5pm in the Hovenden Room, All Souls College


Refreshments will be provided

Events in this series

French Graduate Seminars Trinity Term 2024 - Seminar 2

14th May 2024, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

· Showcase of current Oxford MSt/MPhil research: Approx. 5 Masters students will present their dissertation topics for discussion and feedback.

· Mathieu Farizier (Jesus College, Oxford): “‘Quels sont les moyens de rendre plus politique un texte qui ne l’est pas assez ?’ Quintane’s Poetic Propaganda, the Marxian Revolution as Double Bind”


5pm in the Hovenden Room, All Souls College.

Refreshments will be provided.

Other events this month

French Graduate Seminars Trinity Term 2024 - Seminar 3

28th May 2024, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

· Maddison Sumner (Robinson College, Cambridge): “A Glitch in the Matrix? Transclasse Confrontations of Meritocracy”

· Duarte Bénard da Costa (Peterhouse College, Cambridge): “On Origins: Julia Kristeva”

· Tobias Barnett (Robinson College, Cambridge): “La Pathologie positive: Broussais, Algeria, and the Problem of Conditionability”


5pm in the Hovenden Room, All Souls College.

Refreshments will be provided.

Other events this month

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