
All Souls has a distinguished tradition in economic research and policymaking. The Drummond Professorship of Political Economy has been associated with the College since the late 19th century; Francis Edgeworth is a previous holder, as are three winners of the Nobel Prize in Economics - John Hicks, Amartya Sen, and Joe Stiglitz. John Vickers, the current Warden, was formerly the Drummond Professor.  Beata Javorcik, a Professorial Fellow, is currently Chief Economist at the EBRD.  The College has also had numerous Examination and Postdoctoral Fellows in Economics.  Former Fellows in Economics include Mark Armstrong, Tim Besley, Vince Crawford and Jim Malcomson.  

The College is also a major centre for economic and social history.  Sheilagh Ogilvie is the Chichele Professor of Economic History.  Former Fellows in the subject include Paul David, Charles Feinstein, John Habakkuk, Jane Humphries, Peter Mathias, Avner Offer, Kevin O’Rourke and Tony Wrigley.

Current Fellows:

Emeritus Fellows: