The College supports research in literature in a number of different areas. The Marshal Foch Professorship in French literature is attached to the College, and its present incumbent, Professor Catriona Seth, works principally on eighteenth century French literature. Neil Kenny is a Senior Research Fellow working on literature, thought, and culture in early modern France and other parts of Europe. Colin Burrow is a Senior Research Fellow who works chiefly on early modern English writing, and who writes regularly for the London Review of Books on literature from a wide range of periods. John Drury is a New Testament scholar who has written on the gospels of St Luke and St Mark and on the literary/structural function of parables within the Gospels. He has recently published a critical biography of George Herbert. Katherine Rundell is an Fifty-Pound Fellow, who has written prize-winning children's novels as well as completing a doctorate on the afterlife of John Donne. The College also regularly supports Visiting Fellows who work on literature from all periods and cultures.